Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Video: NAACP Candidate Forum in Adrian Yesterday

Video link to the full two-hour candidate forum yesterday:

I think the NAACP event was formatted better than the event in Monroe last month. This event cycled the candidates for the opposing seats through in half-hour blocks, which kept up the energy and focus better.

I put time stamps in the description of the video, but here are those same time stamps:

(0:00:00) Introduction of event / Moderator, Dale Gaertner from WLEN / Description of format

(0:02:00) Introduction of State Senate candidates / Bill LaVoy (Dem) / Dale Zorn (GOP Incumbent)

(0:31:45) Candidate transition

(0:33:20) Introduction U.S. Congress Candidates / Gretchen Driskell (Dem) / Tim Walberg (GOP Incumbent)

(0:33:45) Q1: Qualifications for the Job?

(0:36:00) Q2: Current administration’s performance regarding climate change?

(0:37:20) Walberg: “God created this great universe, and wants us to be stewards, good stewards of this universe.”

(0:38:10) Walberg trashes the Paris Climate Agreement

(0:38:25) Q3: Opinion of current immigration policies / protecting human rights?

(0:41:20) Q4: Opinion of Social Security and Medicare / how to improve it?

(0:42:55) People briefly boo Walberg’s response, and he asks time keeper to, “keep my minutes in place.”

(0:44:10) Q5: Voices of people in Lenawee County being heard / value of their input?

(0:44:55) Walberg says he held town halls, “until we were blacked out because of campaign requirements” scattered laughter from crowd at this. (Note to self: Check if that is an actual rule)

(0:46:45) Q6: Mental health / opioid addiction treatments?

(0:49:30) Q7: Puerto Rico hurricane recovery / statehood status?

(0:52:10) Q8: How to improve race relations in America?

(0:54:30) Closing Remarks Gretchen Driskell

(0:58:00) Closing Remarks Tim Walberg – holds up recent newspaper and says to Driskell, "Great picture" then turns and tells local reporter that he doesn't get the kind of favorable coverage Driskell gets. Later, holds up paper again, and tells reporter: "I hope this next Sunday there will be another set of pictures of people that want a progress. That's where I want to be." - So, Walberg wants to be a progressive?

(1:01:30) Candidate transition

(1:02:40) Introduction Probate Judges / Catherine Sala / Gregg Iddings (incumbent)

(1:30:25) Candidate transition

(1:32:25) Introduction State Congress candidates Amber Pedersen (Dem) / Bronna Kahle (GOP incumbent)

(2:02:15) Conclusion of event / Jeanette Henagan, President of Lenawee County NAACP

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